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A recent study by the University of Queensland (Australia) has highlighted the mechanism by which beta-glucans from oats act on cholesterol.

The research, conducted on pigs, has shown that beta-glucans in oats reduce the total amount of bile present in the digestive system and slow down the absorption of fat, determining factors that reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood

Giving some of the animals this cereal for 26 days, a 24% reduction of bile acyls in the blood was observed. At the same time, total cholesterol decreased by 34% and Ldl by 57%

According to a recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition

beta-glucan would not only be able to reduce bad cholesterol (Ldl), but also two other important cardiovascular risk markers: the so-called non-Hdl cholesterol and apolipoprotein B, a protein responsible for transporting bad cholesterol to tissues through the blood.

cos'è Ciaocol

cos'è il Betaglucano

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