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Corn, wheat bran, rice, oats, soy, and the delicious chocolate-covered or coffee-drowned bows. A unique food that combines many natural flavors with an extraordinarily rich and balanced supply of nutritive principles.


Breakfast 5 Cereals helps you feel good without giving up goodness, because it contains Omega 3, Selenium and Prebiotic Fibers (Fructo-oligosaccharides), natural ingredients that are precious for our well-being.

Valori Nutrizionali (Valore energetico 1564kj)

Proteine 9g
Carboidrati 78g
Zuccheri 11g
Amido 68g
Grassi 2.1g
Grassi Saturi 0.9g
Fibra alimentare 4g
Sodio 0.45g
Selenio 0.072 mcgg
Omega3 0.00727g

40g di prodotto con 125ml di latte parzialmente scremato (Valore energetico 884.3kj)

Proteine 7.6g
Carboidrati 37.6g
Zuccheri 10.2g
Amido 27.6g
Grassi 3.3g
Grassi Saturi 1.6g
Fibra alimentare 1.6g
Sodio 0.2g
FOS 0.2g
Selenio 0g
Omega3 0.0029g
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