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A cheerful soul of crispy cereals in the shape of stars, covered with good dark chocolate. All strictly organic for nutritious and healthy breakfast for adults and children. Gluten-free certificate is suitable for the nutrition of all those who have food intolerances of this type

Valori Nutrizionali (Valore energetico 1616kj)

Proteine 8.9g
Carboidrati 76g
Zuccheri 16.2g
Amido 20.4g
Grassi 4.3g
Grassi Saturi 2.4g
Fibra alimentare 2.2g
Sodio 0.2g

40g di prodotto con 125ml di latte parzialmente scremato (Valore energetico 905.1kj)

Proteine 7.6g
Carboidrati 36.8g
Zuccheri 16.2g
Amido 20.4g
Grassi 4.3g
Grassi Saturi 2.4g
Fibra alimentare 0.9g
Sodio 0.1g
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